Ready to deploy white label solution by Novus

Why is it profitable to buy a ready-made marketplace?

Budget spent on self-selection of specialists and development of a marketplace
Budget spent on a ready-made marketplace with continuous support
170,000 $
17,000 $
90% saved


people worked on
creating marketplace

6 346

hours spended on it’s creating

21 013

cups of coffee were drinked while working on it

Become an owner of Marketplace now and launch the platform this week!

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About the product

We are glad to present you ready to use solution — NFT Marketplace.
Our solution includes the best features of Top marketplaces and can be сutomized in your own unique style.
Our marketplace is developed on EVM compatible contracts and can be implemented in all Ethereum-compatible blockchain networks.
Marketplace users can create their own NFTs or NFT collections, sell it or put it up for auction, transfer it to another users or burn it.

Tech stack

We developed a unique event indexer for the marketplace. Our event indexer significantly speeds up the work of the marketplace.
Elasticsearch search engine is implemented.
System is created on postgresql 13.3 basis.

Customization opportunities

When customizing our product for you, we can:

Some features


The cards display the properties set during creation of the NFT, its class and abilities. Cards are applicable for game universes and metaverses as well.


Marketplace user can view the whole history of actions and NFT-transactions.

3D player

Ability to view and sell animated 3D models.


The marketplace allows you to filter NFTs by collections, categories.


The marketplace sortings include recently added, most expensive, cheapest, and most popular NFTs options.


You can also filter NFTs by their class, skill ranges, properties, and body parts.

NFT types

User can create single and multiple NFT.

File types

User can download Images, video, music and 3d files.


NFT creator can set a returnable percentage of resale.


The user can edit his profile and send it for verification.


The user can upload a cover image for their page personalization.

NFTs view

The user can view the listed, owned, created, liked NFTs

Service fee

Admin can change service fee
and see the IPFS statistics.

Today picks

Admin can choose the top of NFTs and collections from lists.


Admin can verify users
and block them, NFTs or NFT collections.

Application variants

NFT marketplace is applicable and quickly adaptable to the gaming industry, fashion and metaverse.

3D models

Our brand new solution allows users to upload and play 3D models. 3D files could be easily implemented in metaverse and game marketplaces.
Four Horsemen & One
0.005 BNB


Our solution provides composed properties of any NFT object, containing it’s class and type. We included profit characteristics for potential use in the game and fashion industries.


Full ownership
20,000 $
Full access to the code sources
and to the code itself. We provide licenses to the code sources that will confirm that sources and codes belong to the customer.
The contract implies all
subsequent code/design
improvements belong to the
customer's side.
*the agreement implies the
impossibility of reselling the code
Ownership with custom development
10,000 $
Full access to the code sources
and to the code itself. We provide licenses to the code sources that will confirm that sources and codes belong to the customer.
The contract implies finalizing the
design, code, and implementation of features exclusively by our team at our rates.
*the agreement implies the
impossibility of reselling the code
3,500 $
+ Subscription payments
Includes setting up and deploying the project and monitoring system. We are giving you full access to the Frontend part of the system and also the API part as well API.
Subscription support payment
Learn more
*in this package of services the
Backend part will be stored on
our services.

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Marketplace was created by our company — NovusTeam. Feel free to contact us.


Twarda 44, Poland 00-831
+48 (228) 202 563


30 N. Gould St Ste R, Wyoming 82801
+1 (502) 233 2380

Appendix to the subscription offer

Infrastructure monitoring (in one blockchain network)

by alerts, during working hours
Notifications by email and discord/telegram/slack, 4 hours for respond during working hours.
by alerts 24/7
3,000 $
Payment would be withdrawn only in the case of alert.Dedicated team, 1
hour to respond 24/7.

Infrastructure monitoring (in one blockchain network)

by alerts, during working hours
by alerts 24/7
3,000 $
More networks will require more microservices in the infrastructure. The same should be taken into account in the resources of the data center.

AWS Data Center Resources

On the AWS provider. It will vary depending on the load, the amount of user data. Paid in fact at the end of the month.
From start
~ 400 - 500  $
After 1 year
~ 700 - 1000 $
For 3 environments (dev, stage and prod) on ECS+Fargate containers and Cloud watch monitoring. Access to all billing files from AWS.

Payment may be increased based on the loading process of the tasks
from 26 $
from 29 $
To use a dedicated priority node in the blockchain network.
+ 1 blockchain = switching to another tariff with higher limits ($100, $200)
20 $
+ 0.05/gb bandwidth
+ $0.15/gb storage
To store the MFT source files in IPFS. It is important to imagine how much data can be from users: for example, after 1 month - 2 Gb, after six months - 15 Gb
from 17 $
A mail service for subscribing to your marketing newsletter.

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